Point of Interest Actor
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_POI
Last updated
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_POI
Last updated
The Point Of Interest (POI) world actor (BP_QuestMapPro_POI) is used to define a location in the world that may be of interest to the player, but is not necessarily unique or important in the same way that a Landmark is. It also contains data used by various Quest Map Pro systems for display to the player.
Texture used to represent this POI in UI elements (compass and maps). Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.
The name of this POI, as used for the map UI.
Adding a point of interest to interact with the systems of Quest Map Pro is very easy. Check the tutorial Setting Up POIs for a full step-by-step guide (both in video and written form) to setting up POIs in your project.
While the tutorials above go over how to manually add a unique POI, in most cases it is much more efficient to build the POI actor into other actors that represent parts of the game world. Using a tree harvesting node as an example, rather than placing the tree and POI actor separately, simply adding a POI actor as a child actor within the blueprint used for the tree harvesting node would be a much more efficient way to achieve this same result. This same methodology can be utilized for any POI that has an actor that is used in the world.
Color used for this POI in UI elements when POI is shown (only valid if Use POI Color from Actor is set to enabled in the ).