Landmark Actor
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_Landmark
Last updated
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_Landmark
Last updated
The Landmark world actor (BP_QuestMapPro_Landmark) is used to define a location and data used for Landmarks by the various systems in Quest Map Pro.
Location Name
The name of this landmark, as used for the map UI.
Landmark Icon
Texture used to represent this landmark in UI elements (compass and maps). Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.
Discovered Color
Color used for this landmark in UI elements when the landmark has been discovered (only valid if Use Landmark Color from Actor is set to enabled in the Systems Manager).
Collider Radius
Radius valud for collider volume for this landmark. Applies to both Sphere and Capsule settings for Collision Type.
Capsule Half Height
Height value used for collider volume for this landmark. Only relevant when Collision Type is set to Capsule.
Collision Type
Allows switching between different collision types; box, sphere and capsule.
Collider Extent
Dimensions for the collider volume used for this landmark. Should encompass all, or at least most, of the location to ensure the player "discovers" this landmark upon entering. Only revelant when Collision Type is set to Box.
Navigation Point
A target point reference used to determine the specific point in the world that will be used for the end of a Navigation Trail when targeting this landmark. If no point is set, the origin of the landmark actor will be used instead.
Can Be Traveled To
If enabled, players will be able to fast travel to this landmark when it has been discovered.
Can Be Traveled From
If enabled, players will be able to fast travel while within the bounds of this landmark.
Travel Spawn Point
Determines where the player will spawn when fast traveling via use of a Travel Point actor. If no travel spawn is set, then players will instead spawn at the origin of the landmark actor.
Billboard Height
Determines how high above the base location of the landmark actor the billboard icon will be displayed. Only impacts use in editor (billboard is not visible at runtime).