Changing Actor Object Types

Step 2 of 3 in setting up custom collision with Quest Map Pro

Now that you have a new object response channel, you will need to tell the Quest Map Pro actors to use it. Use a content browser to navigate to Content/QuestMap/Blueprints/Actors/WorldObjects and open up all actors in this folder, except for BP_QuestMapPro_TravelPoint.

For each of these actors, you will need to set the Object Type in the Collision Presets for their collision volumes. To do this, click on the collision volume and find the Collision section in the details panel. Set the Collision Presets to Custom… and change the Object Type to the new object response channel made in step one (QuestMapPro in this tutorial).

This must be done for the following components in the open actors:

  • OverlapTrigger in BP_QuestMapPro_HiddenObject

  • OverlapTriggerBox, OverlapTriggerSphere and OverlapTriggerCapsule in BP_QuestMapPro_Landmark

  • OverlapTrigger in BP_QuestMapPro_POI

  • QuestArea in BP_QuestMapPro_Quest

  • Discovery in BP_QuestMapPro_Waypoint

Be sure to save each actor after this step to ensure there are no issues with unsaved changes.

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