Discovery Actor

Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_Actor

The Discovery Actor is used to allow the player to discover set locations via events. This can be used to create the open world mechanic of "radio towers", popular in many big budget open world titles, as well as other mechanics such allowing a quest or NPC conversation to reveal areas on the map and even discover locations without the player needing to visit them if desired.

Settings Overview


Animate Discovery

Determines whether or not there should be any sort of animation when this discovery actor is activated. Non animated discovery actors are useful for NPCs revealing map and similar actions, where the player may not be the one triggering it.

Visualize Discovery Area

Visualize the area covered by Collection Radius.

Collection Radius

Defines an area around this discovery actor for landmarks to be collected from for discovery upon activation.

Landmarks to Discover

A collection of landmarks to be discovered by this discovery actor.

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