Hidden Object Actor
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_HiddenObject
Last updated
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_HiddenObject
Last updated
The Hidden Object world actor (BP_QuestMapPro_HiddenObject) ,is used to determine an area of effect in which the player's compass will highlight to notify them of a hidden object nearby.
A hidden object is a simple actor used in conjunction with Quest Map Pro to allow a designer to give the player clues of a nearby hidden object. This could be used for buried treasure, high tier loot drops, or anything that might warrant additional attention from the player. Upon reaching a certain configurable range of the hidden object, the player’s compass will change color to notify them of the nearby object. If they stray too far from this object the compass will, once again, return to the neutral tint.
Object Radius
Adding hidden objects to your world with Quest Map Pro is a simple one-step process. For steps to do this yourself, check out the Setting Up Hidden Objects tutorial.
To alter the way that players are notified of hidden objects, settings within the Compass Manager can be found under the Hidden Objects settings category. This will allow you to change the color used to indicate a nearby hidden object, as well as the time it takes to blend between the colors.
To alter the distance at which hidden objects are detected by the player, see the Hidden Object Activation Radius setting under the Configuration settings category of the Systems Manager component.
Radius of the overlap volume for this object. This should be used to represent the object’s general size as the actual detection distance is defined elsewhere, in the component.