Directions variable documentation for the Compass System
Last updated
Directions variable documentation for the Compass System
Last updated
Compass Directions
A list of possible directions that can be drawn on the compass. Made up of an array of Str_QuestMapPro_DirectionData. See Setting Up Directions for more information.
Direction Vertical Offset
Used to move the direction widgets up (positive values) and down (negative values) on the compass overlay.
Draw Cardinal Directions
If enabled, the compass will draw cardinal directions (N, E, S and W by default).
Draw Intercardinal Directions
If enabled, the compass will draw intercardinal directions (NE, SE, SW and NW by default).
Draw Secondary Intercardinal Directions
If enabled, the compass will draw secondary intercardinal directions (NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW, WSW, WNW and NNW by default).
Cardinal Direction Scale
Determines the scale of the direction widget on the compass for cardinal directions.
Intercardinal Direction Scale
Determines the scale of the direction widget on the compass for intercardinal directions.
Secondary Intercardinal Direction Scale
Determines the scale of the direction widget on the compass for secondary intercardinal directions.