Player Marker
Player Marker variable documentation for the Map System
Last updated
Player Marker variable documentation for the Map System
Last updated
Maintain Player Screensize
If enabled, the player marker will remain the same size, on screen, regardless of zoom. If disabled the player marker will get bigger and smaller with zooming in and out respectively.
Player Size
Determines the size of the player marker on the world map and mini map (separate values) when the maps are at a zoom of 1.0x (or at all zoom levels if Maintain Player Screensize is set to true).
Player Icon
Defines the texture used as an icon to represent the player on the world map and mini map where enabled. Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.
Rotate Player Marker
If enabled the player marker will rotate on the map to indicate the direction the player is facing.
Use Character Rotation
If enabled, the player marker rotation will be determined based on the rotation of the player pawn, rather than the rotation of the camera.
Player Marker Rotation Offset
Determines the offset added for player rotation. Can be useful if your character is rotated in the pawn and you are using character rotation instead of camera rotation.