Configure Fast Travel

Step 4 of 5 in setting up a landmark with Quest Map Pro

Several settings pertaining to fast travel are set on a per-landmark actor basis. If fast travel is enabled, players will be able to travel to and from landmarks via the world map. To enable fast travel to the landmark (note: players will only be able to fast travel to already discovered locations) the setting Can Be Traveled To must be set to true. Likewise, to be able to fast travel while within a landmark, the setting Can Be Traveled From must be enabled.

Finally a Travel Point actor (BP_QuestMapPro_TravelPoint) should be added to the scene (if not Travel Point actor is used, Quest Map Pro will try to use the origin of the landmark but this provides less control over the player spawn location and rotation). This actor should be rotated to have the arrow it contains pointing in the direction that players should be facing upon fast travel.

Then this travel point must be set as the Travel Spawn Point in order to be used for this landmark.

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