Points of Interest
Points of Interest variable documentation for the Map System
Last updated
Points of Interest variable documentation for the Map System
Last updated
POI Size
Determines the size of POI markers on the world map and mini map (separate values) when maps are at a zoom of 1.0x. Sizes will scale at different zoom levels appropriately.
Collect POIs at Startup
If enabled, the map system will collect a list of all POI actors and process them. Can be very costly in worlds with a lot of POIs. Should only be used if every POI is required at startup as POIs will, otherwise, be dynamically added as the player comes across them.
Display POI Name on Hover
If enabled, POI names will be displayed when the player hovers the mouse over the marker icon on the world map.
POI Name Animation Time
Amount of time (in seconds) it takes for the POI names to blend in/out on hover/unhover. Should be relatively short. Ignored if Display POI Name on Hover is set to false.
Minimum Zoom to Show POIs
Determines the minimum zoom level that a player should be at to see POIs on the map. This can be useful in reducing map clutter at lower zooms.
POI Fade in Time
Amount of time (in seconds) it takes for POIs to fade in/fade out when crossing the threshold of Minimum Zoom to Show POIs. Set to 0 for instant.