Waypoints variable documentation for the Systems Manager
Last updated
Waypoints variable documentation for the Systems Manager
Last updated
Enable Waypoints
If enabled, waypoints will be enabled. By default players can place waypoints by interacting with the world map.
Waypoint Update Rate
Determines the rate (in seconds) at which waypoints update their distance. Lower values will result in a smoother appearing update but will have a higher performance cost.
Maximum Waypoints
Defines the maximum number of player-spawned waypoints available.
Active Waypoint Color
Color of the currently active waypoint.
Inactive Waypoint Color
Color of inactive waypoints.
Waypoint Icon
Determines what texture is used to represent waypoints. This is used by the compass, world and mini maps, as well as the onscreen indicators (if enabled). Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.
Enable Sticky Waypoints
If enabled, when the player places a waypoint, Quest Map Pro will attempt to see if there are any landmarks within range of the location and will use a landmark as a waypoint instead of placing one manually.
Sticky Waypoint Radius
Defines the radius (in world) around the waypoint location that Quest Map Pro will check for landmarks when doing a sticky waypoint check. Only relevant if Enable Sticky Waypoints is set to true.
Scale Sticky Waypoint Radius with Zoom
If enabled, the Sticky Waypoint Radius will scale with the world map zoom, ensuring that the radius feels consistent.
Remove Waypoint at Arrival
If enabled, waypoints will be removed when the player gets within a certain distance of them (defined by Discovery Radius).
Use Onscreen Indicators
Determines if on screen indicators should be used for waypoints or not.
Use Onscreen Indicators For All Waypoints
If set to true, on screen indicators will remain active for inactive waypoints. If set to false, only the active waypoint will have an onscreen indicator.
Enable Player Pings
If set to true, player pings will be enabled, allowing players to place waypoints in the world without using the map.
Max Ping Distance
Sets the maximum distance at which a waypoint can be placed from the player using the ping system.
Ping Uses Sticky Waypoints
Determines if the ping system should use the sticky waypoint system or not.