Systems Manager

Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_Manager

The Systems Manager is a compulsory component of Quest Map Pro and is responsible for handling interactions between the player and world actors, as well as shared settings between other components of the system.


While the Systems Manager is primarily responsible for handling other components, a few features are directly handled by the component.

Example UI

Quest Map Pro includes an example UI system that can be used in projects, or otherwise should serve as a basis on how to add elements from the system to your own UI.

Fast Travel

A simple-to-use fast travel framework with hooks set up to be expanded upon to suit a variety of projects. By default, the system will fade the screen to black, close open widgets, move the player and fade back to the scene. Player spawn location on travel is defined by location with a travel point.


Player-placed waypoint system that allows players to mark a configurable amount of locations in the world to navigate to. When spawned, waypoints can be configured to show on-screen widgets, beacons that stand out in the world and can be hooked up to work with the Navigation Trail for full player-driven navigation aids.

Quest Navigation

A dynamic system for assisting players in tracking quest locations and how to get to them. Quest Map Pro includes systems to track quests at specific locations in the world, actors that move about the world, and quest areas for more investigation-driven tasks. The system includes support for both main and side quests with a configurable amount of each being able to be shown on the world map, minimap and compass if desired. Quests are also able to utilize the waypoint system and navigation trail to aid player direction.

Navigation Trail

In-game effects to guide the player from their current location to the waypoint, complete with an example effect. This system uses the engines navigation system and nav meshes to build a path and show the player how to navigate through the world to reach their waypoint.

Save/Load System

To ensure progress can be continued across multiple sessions, Quest Map Pro includes a save/load system using Unreal Engines savegame feature. This allows fog clearance, player waypoints, discovered locations and POIs, player notes and such to all be saved and loaded on a new session.

Systems Manager Settings

Settings on the System Manager are documented on their own page for easier readability.

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