
A list of potential additions for future updates to Quest Map Pro

Please note that the release version of Quest Map Pro should be treated as a feature complete package. All content within the system works as intended and does not require any additional feature set to be completed. However, there are a number of things that I would like to add/expand upon over time. This page represents a list of potential additions and expansions of Quest Map Pro’s content and is provided for customer information only. If features are added, they will be labelled here to give some indication of past updates/additions.

If you have any suggestions for features or content you think would make a good addition to Quest Map Pro, please submit them via email or the Dapper Raptor discord.

Addition Status Information

Additions listed below will include a current state (researched, prototyped, etc.) as well as the likelihood of being added to the purchase version of quest map.

Current State

The addition's current state is intended to suggest how far along development of this addition is currently. Possible states are:

  • Concept Only: This idea has been suggested but has not gone beyond suggestion.

  • Requires research: This addition is in its initial idea state and requires research/planning before work can begin.

  • Preliminary research completed: Initial research/planning for this addition has been completed but work has not begun yet.

  • Partially implemented in development build: Initial work has begun and the addition is being developed.

  • Implemented in development build: Addition has been completed in a development build and either requires testing or has not been processed for the public build.

Likelihood of Addition

This status is intended to indicate how likely an addition is to be added to the public build. Please note that even additions at later stages may not make it to the public build for one reason or another.

Potential Additions

Simplified A* Pathfinding

The current navigation trail relies heavily on Unreal’s navigation mesh system. This has a few drawbacks. For one, results are not great for drawing aesthetically pleasing paths, and secondly the developer has little control over the specific path drawn. Additionally, navmesh usage in large open world environments is often not feasible due to performance constraints. An improved system, where developers are able to defines roads and paths in their world that the navigation trail should “follow” would require a simplified implementation of A* pathfinding.

Current state: Preliminary research completed Likelihood of addition: Likely to be support via third party asset integration

Full Gamepad Support

Currently, Quest Map Pro does not have full gamepad support, even in the demonstration implementation. While simple tasks such as opening the map and such can be easily hooked up via input events on the gamepad, full support requires integration of zoom, panning, etc. actions on the map.

Current state: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

On-Screen Indicator for Off-Screen Waypoints

Currently, when waypoints are not within the players visible FOV the on-screen indicator disappears. Support for displaying an indicator at the side/top/bottom of the screen to show the players which way to turn could be added for additional help.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Special Map Zones / Local Map

Adding a system that allows the minimap to be overridden for special zones that require their own map image. This could be useful for providing different layers or indoor maps.

Current State: Preliminary research complete Likelihood of addition: Likely

Native Multimap Support

A solution to having to manually update the map texture on map changing.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Procedural Map Grid

A grid overlayed on the world map to allow for easier player navigation via map cells (a1, b3, etc.)

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Map Layers

Easy-to-use system for setting up "layers" in the world that are reflected in the map, such as a cave network under the main world, or floating islands above it.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Font Icon Support

System to utilize a font for all map marker icons and similar rather than textures. This is a great performance saving measure as well as providing better rasterization for UI elements and allowing for the use of stroke outlines, drop shadows, etc. without needing to build expensive materials.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Quest ID System

A more user-friendly way to reference quests for easier management, using a unique ID rather than array index references.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Easier Custom Collision Support

With this, a user will be able to easily support custom collision across the entire QMP framework by simply setting a variable that tells each actor type what channels to use, rather than having to go in and change the settings on each primitive manually.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Marker Tooltips

While QMP already has marker titles that can be configured to appear on hover, a more expansive tooltip system would allow for more information to be given to the player at a glance and would enrich the user experience.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Map Control Widgets

A set of drag and drop widgets that can be placed anywhere in the project UI to allow a player to manipulate the map using buttons and sliders.

Current State: Implemented in development build Likelihood of addition: Will be made public in next major update

Addition History

Version 1.5 (read full notes)

  • Improved support for actor possession

  • Fast Travel List Widget

  • Magnetic Disturbances

  • Dynamic Markers

Version 1.4 (read full notes)

  • Map Capture Filters

  • Compass Degree Counter

  • Additional Savegame Support

  • World Map 3D Widget Support

Version 1.3 (read full notes)

  • Discovery Actors ("radio towers")

  • Location Widget

  • Mini Map Rotation

Version 1.2 (read full notes)

  • Player Ping System

  • Additional Native Feedback

  • Filtering for Map Icons

  • Troubleshooting Editor Utility Widget

Version 1.1 (read full notes)

  • Player Placed Notes

  • Mini Map Zoom Cycling

  • Save/Load System

Last updated