Setting Up Quests
Integrate your quests into Quest Map Pro's sytems
Last updated
Integrate your quests into Quest Map Pro's sytems
Last updated
This page serves as a guide on how to get Quest Map Pro working within your own HUD widget. The steps here should be followed closely to ensure all functionality works as intended, but may need to be adjusted slightly on a project-by-project basis.
Please note that due to the fact that quests are an external system, the written portion of this tutorial serves rather as a reference piece on what needs to be used to get quests hooked up to Quest Map Pro. The YouTube Tutorial goes over a specific use-case integration, but the process may vary wildly depending on the quest manager system you are using or have designed.
This tutorial assumes you have already completed the Integration tutorial and have Quest Map Pro successfully working within your project.
The video version of this tutorial is quite similar to the written version. However, the video version may be outdated with small alterations that have happened as a result of the ongoing development of features for Quest Map Pro. With all video tutorials, any alterations to the process will be left as a pinned comment on the video, or just below the embedded video on this page.
As mentioned above, the process of integrating quests with Quest Map Pro is going to vary and be specific to your quest manager. For a specific use-case example, please check out the above video. This written section will simply go over the functions and data you should be using for each portion of the quest, rather than serving as a full written tutorial.
When adding a new quest, or a new stage in a quest, a new quest marker will need to be added to the various systems in Quest Map Pro.
This process can be accomplished by calling the Add Quest function in the Systems Manager. The best place to call this in most cases will be on your controller.
Location defines where the marker should be in the world and is used for quests of the Location class and Area class (see QuestData below)
Quest Data is built using the blueprint struct Str_QuestMapPro_QuestData and defines most of the data required for a quest marker. This input can be broken down using the Make… node (as shown in the above screenshot). The data contained within this struct is listed below.
Defines the name of the marker as it appears on the world map.
Defines if the quest being added is a Main Quest or Side Quest. This allows more control over how many quests are shown on the compass/map at once and other such behaviour.
Defines the class of the quest marker as either:
Location: A specific point in the world
Area: An area centred around a specific point in the world
Attached: Used to attach a marker to a specific actor in the world (the actor can be moving if desired)
Area Radius
The radius of the highlighted area when Class is set to Area
Attached Actor
The actor used for the marker when Class is set to Attached
Quest Actor
This input should NEVER be set and is used by Quest Map Pro’s internal logic
Using the Add Quest node, you can add a new quest, or a new quest stage, as a marker on the map at any point in time. The demo level in the project includes several quests and should serve as a jumping off point for learning how to work with quests in Quest Map Pro, as well as the video tutorial (and quest manager included in the tutorial project).
Removing a quest marker upon quest completion, hitting a new stage, etc. is done very simply using the Remove Quest at Index node. This function is found within the Systems Manager and, in most cases, should be called within your player controller.
Input for this node simply tells Quest Map Pro which marker you are trying to remove. The Systems Manager has two sets of quest markers it manages, defined as Main Quests and Side Quests. The Quest Type input tells the manager which of these markers you are trying to remove. The Index To Remove refers to which marker to remove. It may be necessary to build a helper function to communicate between your quest manager and the systems manager to maintain a list of indexes for accurate tracking and removal.