Map System
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_Component-Map
Last updated
Documentation for BP_QuestMapPro_Component-Map
Last updated
The Map System is one of the core systems included in Quest Map Pro and is responsible for aiding player navigation and exploration via use of a toggleable world map and/or a minimap widget. Both widgets can be separately configured to display various information such as quest markers, waypoints, points of interest, npcs and more.
The World Map is a widget that players can toggle to assist with exploration and navigation throughout the world. Using the included World Map Helper actor, images can be captured from the map and used for the map, or used to design artwork to represent the world. These images can represent multiple zoom levels (see Tiered Zoom) for additional clarity/quality at high zoom, particularly in larger worlds. Various markers can be configured to display on the map to represent locations and entities in the world. The world map also comes with several quality of life features such as built in fade-in/fade-out animations, gamepad support (coming soon) and so on.
As well as the outlined World Map, a Mini Map can be added to the UI to give players more immediate information in their localized area. This mini map can display all the same information as the world map, albeit in a smaller area, or can be configured to display different information based on the same possibilities. It can also make use of the tiered zoom system, ensuring that the right balance between zoom, quality and clarity can be achieved. Additionally, the mini map can give direction to the player by displaying their current waypoint at the edge of the map to indicate the direction of travel they should go to reach said waypoint.
Several types of markers are used to represent world features on the world map and mini map. These can be configured to display on each widget separately while maintaining consistent coloring/iconography to ensure a cohesive experience and high level of readability by players. Markers function slightly differently based on the type, with some having hover-effects, or actions executed on click. Different markers included in Quest Map Pro for these maps are outlined below. Please follow the links below to read more about setting up these markers and any settings they have.
Landmarks are used to represent in world locations of some importance. These may be used to represent dedicated areas such as cities and towns, mines and bandit camps or player starting locations. These markers can optionally be set up to display their name on mouse hover (with an optional fade-in/fade-out animation) and can also be configured to allow fast travel (on a per-landmark basis) when the player clicks on them.
Points of Interest (POIs) meanwhile represent smaller locations that the player may want to know about when they are in the vicinity, but may not necessarily be unique locations. This system could be used to represent material or harvesting nodes, or smaller locations that do not necessarily warrant a full landmark-status marker. To avoid clutter on the world map in areas with high amounts of markers, POIs can be configured to only be visible above a certain zoom level (with an optional fade-in/fade-out animation) as well as be configured to utilize the same name-on-hover system outlined above for landmarks.
NPC markers are pseudo-dynamic markers that can be used to represent all sorts of non-playable characters (including other players) and are colorized based on their relationship to the player. By default, support for four different AI NPC states is included, being Friendly, Neutral, Suspicious and Aware. In the case of other players, markers are colored based on whether they are “Team Mates” or not. This allows for a dynamic system that represents allied NPCs, as well as enemies in multiple states. NPC markers will update to represent NPC movement.
In addition to world feature markers, Quest Map Pro includes support for several types of dynamic markers that the player is able to have some level of control over or interaction with.
Waypoints are used to display locations the player has marked to travel to. These are placed by the player by interacting with the world map and utilized by several other systems to aid in guiding the player (such as quest objectives).
Quest Markers represent locations in the world that are tied to quests. By default support for a single “main quest” and several “side quests” is built in. When activating a quest the system will make use of the waypoint system, aiding player navigation to the quest marker more directly.
Both the world map and mini map support a fog that can obscure the world in areas that the player has not explored. Fog can be configured in several ways to account for a nice balance between performance and quality, as well as how it visually appears to the player.
Players can add their own markers to the world map using the player note system, allowing them to leave notes on parts of the world for their own use. By holding shift and right clicking, the player is met with a new widget that lets them set the icon, color and name of the note.
In some use cases, it may be desired to show maps as translucent images on the screen rather than a traditional world map. This can be achieved (with some limitations) via map translucency and is particularly useful when using Quest Map Pro in smaller-scale maps.
Please note that Map Translucency is still in an experimental state and will likely require some customization/alteration to get working as desired for most use cases. This feature will be expanded upon in future updates.
Settings on the Map System are documented on their own page for easier readability.
Map System settings that control overall look of the world map and mini map, as well as how the operate
Map Controls
Map System settings for additional map controls
Map Fog
Map System settings that control visuals and operation of the map fog
Player Marker
Map System settings that pertain to the player marker
Map System settings that pertain to landmark markers
Points of Interest
Map System settings that pertain to point of interest markers
Player Waypoints
Map System settings that pertain to the player marker
Map System settings that pertain to quest markers
Map System settings that pertain to NPC and enemy markers
Map system settings that pertain to other players
Player Notes
Map System settings that control player note options and visuals
Dynamic Markers
Map System settings that pertain to dynamic markers
Map System settings for debugging purposes with Quest Map Pro
Please note that Translucent Maps are currently an experimental feature that will be built out over the next few patches. Information here will be updated as the feature is expanded.