Setting Up POIs

Get points of interest up and running with Quest Map Pro

This page serves as a guide on how to get points of interest (known as POIs) working with Quest Map Pro. The steps here should be followed closely to ensure all functionality works as intended, but may need to be slightly adjusted on a project-by-project basis.

This tutorial assumes you have already completed the Integration tutorial and have Quest Map Pro successfully working within your project.

YouTube Tutorial

The video version of this tutorial is quite similar to the written version. However, the video version may be outdated with small alterations that have happened as a result of the ongoing development of features for Quest Map Pro. With all video tutorials, any alterations to the process will be left as a pinned comment on the video, or just below the embedded video on this page.

Changes to Setting Up POIs video

The current video is up to date and matches the current version of the process outlined below.

Written Tutorial

Step 1: Add the Actor

The first step in setting a POI is to simply add an instance of the actor BP_QuestMapPro_POI to your scene and set its location to the location of the actual point of interest. For this example we have a simple crate.

Step 2: Set Name, Icon and Color

Once the actor has been placed, set the variables for Name, Icon and Color to reflect how you want the POI to appear in the various Quest Map Pro systems. Note: Color can be ignored if Use POI Color from Actor is set to false on your Systems Manager in your controller.

Last updated