Common Issues

Common issues when working with Quest Map Pro and their solutions

This page contains a collection of common troubleshooting tips that might be useful when working with Quest Map Pro. Wherever possible, these issues will be rectified, or at least made easier to work around, with future updates to the system. However, in many cases issues may arise from working with specific other marketplace systems or project setups and workarounds and solutions for known conflicts such as this will be posted here as they are found.

If you are experiencing an issue that is not listed on this page, please follow the Troubleshooting Guide at the end of the page. If you are still experiencing issues after this, please reach out via email or discord.

Lag and/or Performance Issues

If you are experiencing significant issues with performance/lag after implementing Quest Map Pro into your project, there is currently one known cause of this (which, luckily, can very easily be rectified). The current known cause relates to collision settings, and can be read about in the Collision Issues section. If any other known causes are discovered, they will be listed here in future. Please follow the guidance in the collision issues section first, and if that does not resolve your performance issues please contact me for further assistance.

Collision Issues

When implementing a system like Quest Map Pro into your project, there’s a lot of things that might be required to make it fit with your specific use case scenario. One common issue like this is the need for custom collision channels. After implementing Quest Map Pro, you might experience significant performance issues, weapons may not shoot accurately when they did before, and you might even have actors being triggered in your scene incorrectly. These are all likely due to a need for a custom collision channel setup to work with Quest Map Pro in your project.

Why does this happen?

Quest Map Pro makes use of overlap triggers to detect landmarks, points of interest, other players, and so on. The character helper actor is added to your pawn on startup and is used to manage all interactions between Quest Map Pro and the actors in the world (such as landmarks, for instance). This actor contains several overlap volumes that are sized differently according to the settings you set up in Quest Map Pro. As these overlap volumes cause overlaps to happen on other actors, they can activate other actors, block projectile and line trace calculations, and even cause some pretty bad performance issues as they overlap with a bunch of actors in your scene. This can all be alleviated using custom collision settings.

Why aren’t custom collision settings set up in Quest Map Pro by default?

There’s a couple of reasons that this was not done.

  1. It is not always necessary. Not all projects require custom collision settings, even if they may very well benefit from them.

  2. The specifics are going to vary wildly from one project to the next. Some projects will already have a bunch of collision setups, while many may be using only the standard channels Unreal offers on project creation.

  3. It would complicate the integration process quite a bit more. Unfortunately, marketplace products that make alterations to the project settings (as is required to get custom collision setups working) must be integrated differently, as the Epic Games Launcher will force that product to be listed as a “Create New Project” rather than “Add to Project” asset. This creates a lot more opportunities for integration to break down. Given the alternative is a short process of adding a new channel, a decision was made to keep the integration more simple and easy-to-follow instead.

How do I fix this?

You can go through the process of Setting Up Custom Collision and this should, in most cases, resolve these issues.

Map Capture Issues

During the map capture process, there are a couple of ways things might go wrong. Currently, all known issues apply to both single map image capture and tier grid captures.

My map capture is completely blank, black, or black with noise

In addition to the issue listed below, it is possible to get a completely blank capture if the map helper actor is not configured at the correct height. See My map capture seems to be cut off at a certain height (below) for information on this.

Ultra Dynamic Sky Issues

If you are using a day/night system such as Ultra Dynamic Sky, or a similar system that handles the lighting in your scene, there may be something stopping the engine capture components from correctly capturing the lighting in your scene, thus making the map appear completely black, or black with some areas that look like noise, as shown in the example screenshot below:

There are currently two known workarounds for this issue.

Workaround 1

Add a directional light to your scene and capture it again using the map helper. In most cases this should resolve the issue immediately as it will add lighting information to the map.

Workaround 2

Alter the settings in the map helper actor to ignore some lighting information. To do this simply either open the BP_QuestMapPro_MapHelper actor, or click on it in your scene. Select the MapCapture component, find the Scene Capture settings category, expand the Advanced sub-category and find the collection of settings labelled Lighting Features Show Flags. Disable all of the settings in this collection. This should, in most cases, resolve the issue immediately.

Oceanology Issues

Similar to how Ultra Dynamic Sky can present issues with a capture, the plugin Oceanology also appears to cause some issues with the capture. Currently, the only known fix for this is to temporarily disable the Oceanology plugin, create your capture and then re-enable it. Unfortunately, one drawback to this is that there will be no water in your capture. It may be possible to add in a plane with a simple material to mimic the look of water on the capture. If a better solution to this is able to be found, this page will be updated.

My map capture has square sections that are completely blank

This commonly occurs when using Quest Map Pro in a level that was converted from a standard map to a map that uses the World Partition system. Maps not using World Partition need to have a maximum draw distance set on the landscape to maintain performance, and in the conversion this value is left set on some tiles (but not always all of them). As a result, parts of your map capture may appear to look similar to the following image:

The fix for this is to set the Desired Max Draw Distance on all landscape tiles to 0 and capture the map again. World Partition handles everything related to draw distance, so this should not impact performance. However, the value can be reset to its prior setting after performing the capture with all the missing portions if desired.

My map capture seems to be cut off at a certain height

If the map helper actor is not placed at the correct height above the world, or configured to use an offset, the capture will occur at a height that does not include all of the world. This will effectively give a cross section of the world, as if it had been sliced at that level, as shown in the example below. You can see the lower sphere, which is under the map helper actor height, is being completely captured while the two larger ones are not.

To fix this, the helper actor should be moved high enough to ensure it is above every point on the map and a capture should be redone. Alternatively, the map helper has a setting named Capture Height Offset which can be used to add a vertical offset to the capture location. For instance, setting this value to 10000 will ensure the capture is taken 10000 unreal units above the map helper actor location.

Last updated