Troubleshooter Widget

How to use the Troubleshooter Widget

The troubleshooter widget is an editor utility widget that can be used to quickly check a bunch of basic requirements of Quest Map Pro as well as additional configuration issues you might run into. It can be used to check:

  • Is the map helper actor correctly added to the scene and configured?

  • Is the location manager actor correctly added to the scene and configured?

  • Are your landmarks set up to use travel points and navigation points?

  • How many points of interest your map has

  • How many hidden objects your map has

  • Are there any invalid instances of the various Quest Map Pro actors

Included in the widget are a bunch of simple one-click-fix operations to help you resolve issues. As with any troubleshooting or permanent action, please always consider backing up your project (or using version control solutions) before using the troubleshooter widget to avoid any unwanted loss of progress.

For more details on what the troubleshooter widget can do, how to use it and how it works - please check out the video above.

Last updated