Compass variable documentation for the Compass System
Last updated
Compass variable documentation for the Compass System
Last updated
Enable Compass
Enables the compass system when true.
Update Compass Every Frame
If enabled, the compass will update every frame, rather than at
the rate defined by Update Rate. This option is less performant than using a set Update Rate, but may be desired in some projects.
Update Rate
Determines how often the compass should update. Expressed in seconds. The lower this value, the more often the compass will update, making the widget appear to operate more smoothly. However, this will add a higher impact on performance.
Compass Frame Texture
Texture used for the compass frame.
Show Compass Marks
Determines whether or not compass marks (the notches at set degrees on the compass) are visible. Notches will be colorized by the Neutral Compass Color and will respond to player state feedback (such as hidden object color fades and the in-combat state).
Compass Marks Texture
Texture used to define the compass marks.
Animate Compass Toggle
If enabled, the compass will fade in and out on toggle using widget animations. If disabled the toggle will be instant.
Compass Toggle Fade Time
The amount of time, in seconds, that the compass takes to fade in/out. Only relevant if Animate Compass Toggle is set to true.
Neutral Compass Color
Defines the color of the compass elements when in a neutral state.
Compass Offset
Defines a set offset, in degrees, for true north. This has the effect of rotating the compass clockwise (for positive values) and anti-clockwise (for negative values). In most cases this should be left at 0.
Compass Edge Padding
Amount of pixels at the left and right edge of the compass that is used for padding. This is used to ensure markers stay within the compass bar image.
Player Elevation Range
Defines the elevation range used for waypoint height indication. This value represents the height above and below the player that is considered the “same elevation”. Objects outside of this range will be considered “above” or “below” the player.
Disturbance Effect
Determines the effect that magnetic disturbances have on the compass (if any).
None: No effect Fade: Compass will fade out based on the proximity of the disturbance. Spin: Compass will spin at a higher rate based on the proximity of the disturbance.
Compass Width
Used to define the overall compass width within the UI.
Compass Height
Used to define the overall compass height within the UI.