
Markers variable documentation for the Systems Manager

Player Color

Defines the color of the player's own marker.


Use Landmark Color from Actor

If enabled, landmarks will be colorized using the color defined in the landmark world actor when they are in the discovered state. If not enabled, all discovered landmarks will be colorized with Landmark Color - Discovered.

Landmark Color - Unknown

Color used for landmarks in the unknown state.

Landmark Color - Undiscovered

Color used for landmarks in the undiscovered state.

Landmark Color - Discovered

Color used for landmarks in the discovered state.


Use State Colors

If enabled, markers for NPCs will be colorized based on the NPCs state. If disabled, all NPCs will be colored using NPC Color - Aware as the default color.

NPC Color - Friendly

Color used for NPCs in the friendly state.

NPC Color - Neutral

Color used for NPCs in the neutral state.

NPC Color - Suspicious

Color used for NPCs in the suspicious state.

NPC Color - Aware

Color used for NPCs in the aware state.


Use POI Color from Actor

If enabled, markers for POIs will be colorized using the color defined in the POI world actor. If not enabled, all POIs will be colorized with POI Color.

POI Color

Color used for POIs.

Team Mates

Team Mate Color

Color used for player markers of players who are considered team mates.

Team Mate Icon

Icon used for player markers of players who are considered team mates.

Other Players

Other Player Color

Color used for player markers of other players (who are not considered team mates).

Other Player Icon

Icon used for player markers of other players (who are not considered team mates).

Last updated