Orbital Market

An alternative frontend for the Unreal Engine marketplace

What is Orbital Market?

Orbital Market is an alternative front end/search engine for the Unreal Engine marketplace created by Hugo Attal (also known as Herobrine20XX), creator of the incredible Electronic Nodes and Darker Nodes plugins for Unreal Engine. Orbital attempts to address a large number of shortcomings and missing features that the Unreal Engine marketplace has.

When using the Unreal Engine marketplace, it can be incredibly frustrating to find the right assets. The current search does not work very well at all (see this video by Craig Perko on YouTube if you'd like examples of this, as well as many other issues with the marketplace), there is very little control over filtering, there are several fairly common filtering options missing, and more. Orbital Market addresses a lot of, if not all, of these complaints while still plugging directly into Epic's own marketplace - so all purchases and such will redirect you to the marketplace page.

Why are you telling me this? What do you get?

Nothing. I just really think Orbital Market is a huge improvement for end users over the base marketplace. There's no financial gain for myself or for the creator of the marketplace, and I am in no way affiliated with the creator. I just want more people to be able to easily find the assets that they want and Epic have not really enabled this even this late into the marketplace's life. Hopefully when FAB launches later this year, that may change. But for now I'd strongly recommend everyone use Orbital Market as their primary way of checking the marketplace.

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