
Getting Quest Map Pro integrated into your project.

This page serves as a guide on how to get Quest Map Pro up and running in your project. The steps here should be followed closely to ensure all functionality works as intended, but may need to be slightly adjusted on a project-by-project basis.

Please follow the entire tutorial, including steps you believe are not relevant to your project, to ensure the system is working as intended before making changes. For example - if you are not intending on using the compass, please go through the process of adding the compass to your project first, as it is a standard part of integration. You can then remove it once you know everything is working as intended.

ALWAYS backup any working projects prior to the integration process or utilize source control to ensure recovery is possible in the case of issues.

This tutorial assumes you already have a project and that you have added the Quest Map Pro files to your project via the Add To Project option in the Unreal Engine tab of the Epic Games Launcher.

YouTube Tutorial

The video version of the integration is quite similar to the written version. However, the video version may be outdated with small alterations that have happened as a result of the ongoing development of features for Quest Map Pro. With all video tutorials, any alterations to the process will be left as a pinned comment on the video, or just below the embedded video on this page.

Changes to integration video

As of January 2nd, 2023, with version 1.1 of Quest Map Pro, the process of creating the Mini Map Zoom Cycle system is no longer necessary as this functionality is built into Quest Map. Instead of creating a new variable and manipulating it, as seen in the section from 7:13 to 9:07, you can simply hook up the input mapping to the new node called Cycle Mini Map Zoom, as seen here: - If you have already made this system, it will still work as shown in the video. You just won't have the same native controls built into QMP that the new system has to manipulate how it works.

A couple of common issues people seem to run into...

  • If you are using UDS, or a similar system, you may have trouble capturing your map. I'll be looking into this to see if there's a workaround, but for now the best way to work with this is to simply hide or remove UDS from your map, make the capture, then put it back in.

  • If you are having any performance issues after adding Quest Map Pro to your project, or if you are noticing odd issues where weapons aren't accurate anymore, etc. then I'd recommend looking at the tutorial covering custom collision settings I have made for QMP here:

Written Tutorial

The written version of this tutorial is broken down into steps for easier readability.

Step 1: Add Components to your Controller

Step 2: Add Interface to your Controller

Step 3: Add Interface to your Character

Step 4: Add and Configure Input Mappings

Step 5: Add and Configure the Map Helper

Last updated