Map Controls

Map Controls variable documentation for the Map System

Map Texture

Defines what image should be used to represent the world in the map. Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI. Texture dimensions should have a ratio that matches the ratio of the dimensions of the world it represents. This texture is only used if Tiered Zoom levels are disabled in the world helper actor.

Map Is Translucent

If enabled, the map will be translucent rather than an opaque one. See separate section on Translucent Maps for more details.

Zoom Step Percent

Defines the amount (as a percentage) the zoom level will change on each zoom in/out.

Map Backing Color

The color used behind map images. Also represents the color of map fog when enabled.

Use Map Backing Texture

If enabled, the map backing (and map fog when enabled) will be a texture rather than a solid color.

Map Backing Texture

Texture used when Use Map Backing Texture is enabled. Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.

Enable Tier Grid Debug

If enabled, a grid will be drawn on the map to show segments of the image being loaded into memory. Note this will only have an impact when using tiered zoom levels (see the Map Helper actor for this).

Tier Grid Debug Color

Sets the color used to draw the tier grid borders. Only relevant if Enable Tier Grid Debug is set to true.

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