Setting Up Navigation Trails

Get Navigation Trails up and running with Quest Map Pro

This page serves as a guide on how to get Navigation Trails working with Quest Map Pro. The steps here should be followed closely to ensure all functionality works as intended, but may need to be slightly adjusted on a project-by-project basis.

Please note that currently navigation trails rely on the navigation system using the navmesh. This is not ideal for large open world projects, and as such navigation trails may currently require additional work to get working in large worlds. You can simply feed a spline generated by any other system to the navigation trail if you so wish, though this will need to be designed by yourself. As shown on the Roadmap, there are plans to have a simplified A* pathfinding system added to Quest Map Pro in the future to support larger worlds that cannot rely on the navmesh. This should allow for navigation trails to be used, but currently the default setup will require a navmesh. The engine does now support World Partition Navigation Meshes, but their use is largely untested with Quest Map Pro and may or may not work as expected.

This tutorial assumes you have already completed the Integration tutorial and have Quest Map Pro successfully working within your project.

YouTube Tutorial

The video version of this tutorial is quite similar to the written version. However, the video version may be outdated with small alterations that have happened as a result of the ongoing development of features for Quest Map Pro. With all video tutorials, any alterations to the process will be left as a pinned comment on the video, or just below the embedded video on this page.

Changes to Setting Up Navigation Trails video

The current video is up to date and matches the current version of the process outlined below.

Written Tutorial

The written version of this tutorial is broken down into steps for easier readability.

Step 1: Add NavMeshBoundsVolume

Step 2: Scale NavMesh

Step 3: Add the Location Manager

Step 4: Set Navigation Data

Once you have completed setup of the navigation trails, you can configure the navigation trail effect using the Navigation Trails settings in the Systems Manager. The Niagara particle effect itself uses P_QuestMapPro_TrailEffect and can be found in Content/QuestMap/Effects, should you wish to alter it.

Last updated