
Configuration variable documentation for the Map System

Update Map Every Frame

If enabled, the map systems will update every frame, rather than at the rate defined by Update Rate. This option is less performant than using a set Update Rate, but may be desired in some projects.

Update Rate

Determines how often the map systems should update. Expressed in seconds. The lower this value, the more often the map s systems will update, making the widgets appear to operate more smoothly. However, this will add a higher impact on performance.

World Map Configuration

Enable World Map

Enables the world map system when true.

World Map Uses 3D Widget

If enabled, manager components will attempt to get a reference to a 3d widget using the interface function Get World Map 3D on the player character blueprint. It will also ensure WorldMap3dWidgetAdjustments are applied to the image and disable systems that do not work with the 3d widget world map setup such as filters, notes, etc.

World Map 3D Widget Adjustments

A set of image adjustments applied to the map image and backing image when the world map is a 3d widget, used to try to correct for the washed out look on 3d widgets when compared to 2d widgets. Set to Contrast: 1, Desaturation: 0 and Brightness: 1 to make no change to default image.

Use Fullscreen World Map

If enabled, the world map will automatically fit to the size of the viewport, making it a fullscreen map.

Full Screen Padding

Padding used when the world map is fullscreen, giving the ability to have the map fullscreen with a bordered area around it. Padding is uniform on top/bottom and left/right.

World Map Width

This value defines the width of your map, as it is rendered in the UI. Note that this does NOT define the view size on your HUD, but rather the size at which the map images appear when at a zoom of 1x. Height will be automatically calculated based on your world size by comparing it to the width. In most cases, you will want this value to match the width of the size box you use containing the world map widget.

Animate World Map Toggle

If enabled, the world map widget will fade in and out on toggle. If disabled the toggle will be instant.

World Map Toggle Fade Time

The time it takes (in seconds) for the world map to fade in/out. Only relevant if Animate World Map Toggle is enabled.

World Map Base Zoom

Determines what zoom the world map should be at when the system initializes, as well as when the map is toggled on (resetting the zoom to this level when the player opens the map again).

World Map Min Zoom

The minimum zoom level the player can achieve by zooming out. 1 is equal to no zoom. Values below one will shrink the map on screen and may cause some visual issues when using a border on the map. Should never go to 0 or below and should always be less than MaxZoom.

World Map Max Zoom

The maximum zoom level the player can achieve by zooming in. 1 is equal to no zoom. Higher values will expose lower resolution images more. Should always be higher than MinZoom.

Enable Map Fog on World Map

If enabled, world fog will be drawn on the world map, obscuring unexplored areas.

World Map Visibility Flags

Determines what map features should be drawn on the world map.

World Map Border Texture

Defines what texture should be used for the world map border. Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.

World Map Border Color

Defines what color the world map border should be. Set to white if using a colored World Map Border Texture to avoid tinting.

Enable Filters

If enabled, the map marker filter widget will appear at the bottom left of the world map.

Filters Fade In Time

Determines how long it takes for the filter widget to fade in and out. Set to 0 for instant.

Filter Backing Color

Sets the background color for the filter widget.

Disturbance Effects World Map

If enabled, disturbances will impact the world map based on the players proximity to disturbance actors.

Mini Map Configuration

Enable Mini Map

Enables the mini map system when true.

Align Mini Map With Player View

If enabled, the mini map will rotate based on the players rotation (or camera rotation - controlled by Player Marker settings).

Maintain Mini Map Marker Orientation

If enabled, map markers on the mini map will rotate to account for the mini map rotation. Only relevant if Align Mini Map With Player View is enabled.

Mini Map Is Radar Only

Disables visual representation of the map on the widget, allowing it to be used as a radar rather than a mini map.

Mini Map Size

Defines the mini map widget size on the screen in the UI. This size should be based on a UI resolution of 1920x1080 unless the widget it is being placed into is configured differently. Map size will scale based on this when applied to other screen resolutions/window sizes. X and Y should be identical values in almost all cases.

Mini Map Zoom Levels

A set of levels for the mini map that the player can cycle through at the press of a button. If only wanting one zoom level, only have one entry in this array. Will never exceed the range defined by MiniMapMinZoom and MiniMapMaxZoom.

Default Mini Map Zoom Level

The array index corresponding to the desired MiniMapZoomLevels entry that should be treated as the "default zoom" for the mini map on startup.

Mini Map Min Zoom

The minimum zoom level the player can achieve by zooming out. 1 is equal to no zoom. Values below one will shrink the map on screen and may cause some visual issues when using a border on the map. Should never go to 0 or below and should always be less than MaxZoom.

Mini Map Max Zoom

The minimum zoom level the player can achieve by zooming out. 1 is equal to no zoom. Values below one will shrink the map on screen and may cause some visual issues when using a border on the map. Should never go to 0 or below and should always be less than MaxZoom.

Enable Map Fog on Mini Map

If enabled, world fog will be drawn on the mini map, obscuring unexplored areas. If the map does not draw beyond the map clearing brush size, the fog will not be visible and this should be disabled to save on performance.

Mini Map Visibility Flags

Determines what map features should be drawn on the mini map.

Mini Map Border Texture

Defines what texture should be used for the mini map border. Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.

Mini Map Border Color

Defines what color the mini map border should be. Set to white if using a colored Mini Map Border Texture to avoid tinting.

Mini Map Opacity Mask

Defines a texture that can be used to mask parts of the mini map widget, making it transparent.

Use Mini Map Indicator

If enabled, an indicator widget will be used on the mini map to show the direction of the player’s current waypoint when the waypoint is not visible within the mini map itself.

Mini Map Indicator Size

Defines the size of the mini map indicator widget in the UI.

Mini Map Indicator Padding

Determines how far away from the mini map edge the indicator widget should be.

Disturbance Effects Mini Map

If enabled, disturbances will impact the mini map based on the players proximity to disturbance actors.

Last updated