
Quests variable documentation for the Systems Manager

Quest Update Rate

Determines the rate (in seconds) at which quest indicators update their distance. Lower values will result in a smoother appearing update but will have a higher performance cost.

Enable Main Quests

Determines if main quests are enabled within Quest Map Pro or not.

Maximum Main Quests

Sets the maximum number of main quests that can be tracked at once via Quest Map Pro’s systems.

Main Quest Icon

Determines what texture is used to represent main quests. This is used by the compass, world and mini maps, as well as the onscreen indicators (if enabled). Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.

Active Main Quest Color

Color of the currently active main quest.

Inactive Main Quest Color

Color of inactive main quests.

Enable Side Quests

Determines if side quests are enabled within Quest Map Pro or not.

Maximum Side Quests

Sets the maximum number of side quests that can be tracked at once via Quest Map Pro’s systems.

Side Quest Icon

Determines what texture is used to represent side quests. This is used by the compass, world and mini maps, as well as the onscreen indicators (if enabled). Note that textures used should have compression settings set to UserInterface2D (RGBA) and texture group set to UI.

Active Side Quest Color

Color of the currently active side quest.

Inactive Side Quest Color

Color of inactive side quests.

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