Using SBBTV with Procedural Content
How to get up and running when using SBBTV in a procedurally generated environment
Last updated
How to get up and running when using SBBTV in a procedurally generated environment
Last updated
Please note that procedural content support is still considered experimental within SBBTV. While it should work and has shown no issues under internal testing scenarios, due to the nature of procedurally generated content, more widespread testing is required. If you experience any issues using SBBTV with procedural content, please reach out via discord or email!
SBBTV includes support for being implemented within projects with procedurally generated environments. This is all done via the child actor variant of the spline volume actor, BP_SBBTV_ProceduralSplineVolume, which can be found in Content/SBBTV/Blueprints/Procedural.
In order to utilize this actor, you need to provide it with a set of spline points on spawn. This can be done via the two exposed on spawn variables, Procedural Spline Points and Use Procedural Spline Points.
Simply provide the actor with an array of spline points, and ensure to set Use Procedural Spline Points to true, and SBBTV will create a spline volume using these points. All other exposed variables can also be set, giving you complete control over the look and behaviour of your spline volumes in this scenario.