Adding a Spline Volume
How to use Spline Based Blocking and Trigger Volumes
Last updated
How to use Spline Based Blocking and Trigger Volumes
Last updated
Using SBBTV is incredibly easy. There are no steps required to integrate the system into your project and get started - simply add the pack to your project via the Epic Games Launcher as per any other marketplace system. Once you've done that, you're ready to start using SBBTV!
The video below covers the process of adding a passive blocking volume, adding an active blocking volume, adding a trigger volume, integrating the volumes with your pawn and other actors, and also goes over every setting on the actor.
To start building your volumes, simply add an instance of the spline volume to your scene. This can be done in a number of ways, but the simplest is to navigate to blueprints subfolder within the SBBTV folder (Content/SBBTV/Blueprints by default) in your content browser and locate the actor, which is called BP_SBBTV_SplineVolume. Simply drag this actor into your scene and you're ready to build out your spline!
Now that you have the actor in your scene, you can start to build out the shape you want to use using Unreal Engine's spline system. To extend the current spline segment, click on the last spline handle and drag it out. The spline will automatically bend and curve between the previous spline handle and the one you are manipulating. You can add another spline handle easily by holding the Alt key as you drag. The more spline handles you have, the more control you have over the final shape of the spline - though it can become quite difficult to work with splines with too many handles. Try to find a happy medium where you get the shape you want without overdoing it on the spline handles!
You are now ready to configure your spline volume to get the look and behaviour you are seeking using the Settings available on the actor itself. Each instance of the spline volume can be configured independently of all other instances.
In general, its a good idea to go through each setting per actor, but in particular you will want to consider the following:
Segment Length determines how big each spline segment are. The lower this number is, the higher fidelity the curves of your spline will be. In contrast, higher values will give harshed edges on corners and curves, but should, at least in theory, improve performance.
Height defines the height of the volume at each point along the spline.
Double Sided determines if the spline is visibly double sided or not, as well as whether active blocking volumes should act on both the inside and outside (where defined) of the volume.
Volume Thickness is used to define the thickness of the volume.
Additionally, by default volumes are configured to impact the Pawn collision channel. If you wish for the volumes to block, or be triggered by, other collision channel actors, you can add channels to the Effected Collision Channels array.
For more detailed information on all volume settings, please check the Settings page.
That's it! Your spline volume is set up and ready to use! Looking for more specific instructions on how to use spline volumes? Check out the following tutorials: