SBBTV actor settings documentation
Last updated
SBBTV actor settings documentation
Last updated
Segment Length
Used to control the length of each spline segment. Lower values will give smoother curves but will, at least in theory, be more expensive. Larger values will give lower poly curves and harsher edges, but should improve performance.
Actual performance impact should usually generally be quite minimum given how the engine handles splines, but will vary from scene to scene.
The height of the spline volume.
Volume Thickness
Sets the thickness of the volume.
Note that thicker volumes may have some slight discrepancies in mesh overlaps depending on other settings, particularly at sharp corners.
Hidden at Runtime
When enabled, this spline will be completely hidden during runtime. This is useful for most blocking volumes, triggers, etc. where the volume should act as an invisible wall or zone that the player cannot see.
Double Sided
If enabled, the spline will use double-sided volume meshes, making it visible and effective from both sides of the volume.
Use Override Material
If enabled, the SBBTV material will not be used and the spline volume will, instead, use the material defined by Override Material.
Override Material
Material used on the spline volume. Only relevant when Use Override Material is enabled.
Use Distance Fade
If enabled, the entire material will fade from opaque to transparent at the distances defined by the opacity settings. If disabled, effect will be constant at all distances.
Max Opacity
Determines the maximum opacity (ie. the most opaque the material will be).
Only relevant when Use Distance Fade is enabled.
Min Opacity
Determines the minimum opacity (ie. the least opaque the material will be).
Only relevant when Use Distance Fade is enabled.
Max Opacity Distance
The distance (between the volume and the player camera) at which the maximum opacity will be reached.
Only relevant when Use Distance Fade is enabled.
Min Opacity Distance
The distance (between the volume and the player camera) at which the minimum opacity will be reached.
Only relevant when Use Distance Fade is enabled.
Use Base Color
When enabled, the base color layer will be visible on the volume material.
Base Color
Defines what color is used for the base color layer.
Only relevant when Use Base Color is enabled.
Base Color is Solid
When enabled, the base color will be solod over the entire volume instead of using a depth fade.
Only relevant when Use Base Color is enabled.
Emissive Base Color
If enabled, the base color layer will feed into the Emissive layer of the volume material as well as the base color.
Only relevant when Use Base Color is enabled.
Base Color Boost
A boost value that can be used to overbrighten the base color. Particularly effective for emissive materials to give a glowing effect.
Only relevant when Use Base Color is enabled.
Use Grid
If enabled, the SBBTV material grid will be visible.
Grid Color
Determines the color of the grid on the volume material.
Only relevant when Use Grid is enabled.
Grid Tiling X
Sets the X tiling rate of the grid on the volume material.
Only relevant when Use Grid is enabled.
Grid Tiling Y
Sets the Y tiling rate of the grid on the volume material.
Only relevant when Use Grid is enabled.
Emissive Grid
When enabled, the grid will feed into the Emissive channel of the material as well as the base color.
Only relevant when Use Grid is enabled.
Gride Boost
A boost value that can be used to overbrighten the grid. Particularly effective for emissive grids to give a glowing effect.
Only relevant when Use Grid is enabled.
Volume Type
Determines the class of spline volume to be used for this instance. In each case, will only act on collisions with objects belonging to the channels defined by the Effect Collision Channels array.
Block-Passive acts the same as a standard blocking volume - simply blocking relevant objects. Block-Active will attempt to "bounce" relevant objects away from the volume at a speed defined by Launch Speed. Trigger acts as a standard trigger and can be further defined using the Trigger Class setting.
Effected Collision Channels
Determines what channel(s) will cause collisions with this volume.
One Sided Collision
If enabled, this spline will only cause collisions with actors from one side.
Invert Collision
Swaps the direction of flow for collision when One Sided Collision is enabled.
Launch Speed
The speed at which objects are launched when interacting with an active blocking volume.
Optimize Spline on Begin Play
If enabled, this spline will be broken down into smaller splines on startup if the total length exceeds the Maximum Spline Length. This may present minor discrepancies at the point that the smaller splines meet, but can be used to optimize particularly large splines if necessary. In most cases, this is not necessary due to the way the engine handles splines.
Maximum Spline Length
Used when Optimize Spline On Begin Play is set to TRUE to define the maximum length of the optimized spline segments.
Trigger Class
Disable Distance Fade in Editor
Allows the distance fade, if enabled within material settings, to be turned off in the editor to make working with the splines easier.
EDITOR ONLY! Does not impact runtime.
Mark All Spline Points
When enabled, icons denoting the volume type will appear above each spline handle, making it easier to tell at a glance what spline is doing what.
EDITOR ONLY! Does not impact runtime.
Marker Offset
Used to offset the height of the in-editor marker handles. Only relevant if Mark All Spline Points is enabled.
EDITOR ONLY! Does not impact runtime.
Show Collision Direction
If enabled, collision flow direction indicators will display in the editor.
EDITOR ONLY! Does not impact runtime.
Generate Collision in Editor
If enabled, collision primitives will be generated in the editor. Can be useful to get an idea of the sort of collision volumes that are going to be used by the spline.
EDITOR ONLY! Does not impact runtime.
Disable Updates
When enabled, this stops the construction script from firing off, effectively locking the current state of the spline in the editor. Can be useful when trying to make edits on particularly big/complex splines that may cause hitches.
EDITOR ONLY! Does not impact runtime.
Sets the class of trigger used by this spline. Additional classes can be created - see for more details.