Spline Trigger Volumes
Using SBBTV for trigger volumes
Last updated
Using SBBTV for trigger volumes
Last updated
This page assumes you have followed the steps outlined in Adding a Spline Volume and have the spline volume actor placed in your scene and shaped accordingly. If you have not done this, please check the steps in that page and ensure you have completed them before continuing.
Triggers are used in many games for a variety of reasons. In Unreal, triggers are traditionally restricted to a few predefined shapes and this can be quite cumbersome to use. With SBBTV you can make triggers of any size and shape!
To configure a SBBTV actor to act as a passive blocking volume, ensure that the Volume Type is set to Trigger.
Once set up as a trigger volume, it is important to configure the trigger class so that the overlap logic can be executed correctly. This can be done by setting the Trigger Class setting.
For information on setting up trigger logic, please read Configuring Actors for Trigger Interactions.
Adding a new trigger class is a simple two-step process.
Open the Enumerator E_SBBTV_TriggerClass (found in Content/SBBTV/Blueprints/Enum by default). Click the Add Enumerator button.
Fill out the details to give the Enumerator a display name. It is also recommended to give the value a description, though this is not strictly necessary.
Save and close the Enumerator editor. The trigger class should now be available for selection on your volume.
Once a new trigger class is created, it is important to define what actions should be taken upon triggering a volume of this class. To do this, open the SBBTV interaction library blueprint BPFL_SBBTV_Interaction (found in Content/SBBTV/Blueprints/Library by default). In this library there are two functions for handling trigger overlaps, TriggerActionStart and TriggerActionEnd.
In each case, the newly created trigger class should appear in the list of execution options on the switch node. Logic can be built here to handle interactions with the trigger volume specific to each trigger class.